Evolving the Program Management Office for the Modern Era

January 18, 2021by Solar Sunltd

In an excerpt from our white paper, we make the case for Business Anywhere, our digital-first blueprint for fully modernizing your organization.

The future of business is remote and digital – one where every interaction is smart, seamless and secure, every process is fully automated and paperless, and everyone can work from anywhere, anytime. That future is here, now.

As business leaders, your challenge is to improve current operations while transforming your organization to meet these new demands and evolving human behavior. The path forward is clear: It requires modernizing to a fully digital organization.

But, if you truly want your organization to do business anywhere, you must go beyond technology when adopting a digital-first approach. As a company that pioneered remote work over 20 years ago, we understand that firsthand.

Building on our remote work experience, we created a custom framework covering six interdependent components critical to digital-first success: customer experience, process, technology, information, structure and people. We call it “Business Anywhere.”